WWWStat4Mac. The ideal companion to httpd4Mac,WebStar, or a UNIX or PC Webserver.
"One of the most feature packed log analysers available on the internet today"
Customising WWWStat4Mac
At the current time the only way to 'customise' WWWStat4Mac above and beyond the options described in WWWStat4Mac Reference is to use a resource editor such as ResEdit.
The first thing you need to do is make a copy of the application. You should always work on a copy just in case something happens to the original. Next, open your copy of WWWStat4Mac-FAT with ResEdit. When you have done this you will be presented with a window that looks something like this.
There are actually only two kinds of resource that you should try and customise. The first obvious ones are the STR# resources, shown here.
These contain all of the strings used to make up the output and the tables. You might for example wish to change these strings into another language. Please take care when altering these strings as if you don't know what you are doing you could do more harm than good :-)
The second type of resource that you can usefully change are the GIFf resources shown below.
These GIFf resources define the resources that WWWStat4Mac uses to create the table outputs for your stats. Double clicking on the GIFf resource opens up a window like the one below.
If we select the first item in the list a window like the one below should open up.
The first two numbers describe the size of the GIF file to be used for displaying the scale for the traffic by hour part of the table output. The next two numbers are the bar width and bar border. These give the dimensions of the bars in this particular part of the table. Because the table can display either hits or bytes or both at the same time the width need to be an even number.When both options are chose at the same time the bar width parameter is divided by two. This is also a good reason to keep the border as zero otherwise you will find that your bars don't align with the scale at the bottom when you change options. The last item is the full path name of the GIF file that is to be used. Note that the default is /img/hourly.gif. This means that the file resides in a folder/directory called img that is in the same directory as the statistics file referencing it. If you change the relative positions of the folder/directory containing the images and the stats file then you will need to change this path name too.
This file last modified on 5-Oct-96 at 11:24 pm by Peter Hardman.